Friday, March 18, 2011

T-Minus 2 days

Sawubono, Molo and Hallo... different South African greetings.

I have begun the process of immersing myself in African culture. I started by reading Mandella's very long book. I got half way through and found out there was a movie. Switched to the film version. Unfortunately, I only know what happened up to 1997. That is when the film was made. Guess I have to read the rest on the long plane ride. I think the book might put me over the weight limit.

Tried many different hats. Even ordered a Tilly from Toronto. The hat came with a lifetime guarantee and an owner's manual. Guaranteed to float. Measured my head since they make 13 sizes. Didn't fit- went back. Bought two more hats- not Tilly's, therefore no lifetime guarantee.

Sprayed my wash-in-the-sink clothes with insect repellent. Packed nut bars for emergencies.

Every time we go away something breaks in the house. We are hopeful that nothing will break this time.

Ira needs a Valium drip to get him through trip preparations. Lynn can't believe that she agreed to this. Larry thinks he needs a root canal. I just got over the stomach flu and Steve, well... we know his story. But, all that being said we are excited and expecting a great trip! The happy campers arrive tomorrow- let the fun begin!

Sala kahle, Sala kaklhue and totesiens... goodbye!

Me and my grand-dog Zach packing


At March 20, 2011 at 8:29 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

You really should write a column for a newspaper. You have the right sense of humor for this. Look into it, won't you? Expect regular updates.


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