Monday, March 21, 2011

We have arrived

We are finally here after a grueling 15 hour flight where I watched more movies and TV programs than I have in a year. shortly
After take off the booze cart came around. Now it was a little early fo me but being a good sport I took a bottle of wine for
later. I had preordered a vegetarian meal which was quite good. Ira, he of the adventurous palate ordered Asian vegetarian
And got Indian food. the Indian man across from him got Chinese food ... Obviously a mix up. at 3pm they turned out the lights and
Told us to go to sleep. That's when my TV marathon started. At midnight they served us breakfast This time change was getting ridiculous. After landing in Johannesberg we boarded another flight to Cape Town. We all promptly passed out.

Arrival was easy as we were met by a driver who took us to the hotel. Boy did we look bad. Had to wait about 20 minutes for our rooms which was the last thing we needed. But we decided to forego very much needed showers and eat something. Lynn went to change only to find that thenTSA had opened her luggage and put someone's lock on it. Maintenance had to come with bolt cutters to free her clothes. Tragedy averted.
After lunch we decided to walk along the boardwalk. The ocean is quite beautiful. We were told it was a 15 minute walk to the wharf. Well 2 hours and 5 miles later we limped into the wharf to find that it is a giant mall on the wharf. You would never know we were in Africa.This was cruel and unusual punishment so of course we had to order gelato -at leas Lynn Ira and I did. Took a cab back.
So now it's 9pm I think. Ira is already snoring and I'm barely awake. We have an early day tomorrow up to Table Top mountain which is beautiful. This editing job will have to wait till tomorrow. Pix to follow.


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