Thursday, March 24, 2011


This morning started with a trip to the castle of Good Hope. Long story short the Dutch fought the English the English won but the Dutch got the castle back years later. Google it if you want to known more.
We had a special treat for lunch. We went to the home of a lovely Malay women, who is also a Muslim. Ghamidah had us all help prepare a traditional Malay meal. We rolled samosas and made some flat bread. After which we all sat down to eat. She was lots of fun and the food was delicious. We had some chicken and potato dish, the name of which I can't remember.Her home is a 300 year old house built by the Dutch. Inside is completely modernized. All the houses in the neighborhood are painted bright colors- hers is bright turquoise. It was a really special treat.
On to Table Mountain. Took the cable car up and waited for the fog to lift. It finally did and the view is spectacular. More later -have to go eat again.


At March 25, 2011 at 5:06 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Food, food and more food. You are on the right trip! Sounds like everything is going smoothly and that the trip is just fantastic.


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