Friday, March 25, 2011


Yesterday at Table Mountain

I have received some criticism from Larry that my posts are becoming too factual - not humorous enough. Well it's 10:00 pm after a long day so I'm not feeling funny just tired. But I'll do my best.

This morning the boys played golf. They had a 7:08 tee time and planned to leave the hotel at 6:15. Ira got up and went to the lobby and waited, waited and waited for the others. Even after calling their rooms they didn't show. Turns out the Blackberry that his nose has been buried in all week and that he was using for a clock had reset itself to Athens time. So he was in the lobby at 5 not 6. But all worked out well and they had a good time. Tomorrow we will be using the hotel wake up call instead since our room does not have a clock.

After breakfast, where I almost made the same dramatic entrance that Lynn did the day before, Lynn and I met our guide Martin who took us to the Greenmarket = basically an African flea market. It was overwhelming so he took us to an African Women's Workshop where we were able to meet the artists and make some purchases. But before we went to the market he took us to the Diamond store - you will all have to wait to see what I bought there. We then proceded to walk around the city, visiting the Company Garden. This was originally a vegetable garden that supplied the sailors with food after their long trips. Now it is a beautiful garden in the middle of the city.

Upon our return we took off for Robben Island. This was at various times a leper colony, a prison for outlaw criminals and finally the prison for political prisoners, most notably Nelson Mandela.

Tomorrow we are leaving Cape Town and heading for Kreuger National Park - the Mala Mala safari lodge. We expect to see the big 5 - elephants, rhinos, tigers, lions and cheetahs. But if we don't see them, all we have to do is look in the mirror. We have eaten so much that we are now calling ourselves the Big 5. Stay tuned.....


At March 25, 2011 at 9:01 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Tell Larry to leave the critiques to those not on the trip! The facts are fine but the humor, as usual is exquisite. Keep it coming!!


At March 26, 2011 at 4:16 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

You are doing us proud supporting the economy! Keep it up!!! it's a hard job but I know that you can do it. That diamond should go well with your retirement wardrobe.


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