Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Last Post

This morning we took off very early for Chobe in Botswana. The border crossing was really interesting. It's obvious that the women do most of the work there. The crossing was packed with day workers, balancing packages on their heads and babies on their hips. They cross over every day to go to work. We were accosted by boys trying to sell us wooden statues. Begging us to buy them so they could eat. Ira finally gave up and bought one just to get them to leave us alone. We traveled on safari in Chobe National Park. After a picnic lunch we went by boat on the Chobe River. Saw lots of elephants frolicking in the water - pretty amusing. The hippos are not friendly at all and are sometimes agressive. It was a long day and now we have to repack our suitcases in anticipation of a long trip tomorrow. See you all back in the states where Ira will mesmerize you with the 100 videos he made of elephants and giraffes.


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